Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Osayuwamen in bini means "God endowed me with wealth". Its a not so popular name in Edo state in comparison with others. Though we all are referred to as  "osas" for short.

First, my neighbour gave birth to a baby girl and named her after me. I was so excited when I heard it. Then my great friend did so again three days ago. I screamed with excitement once again. Maybe, its because I'm so awesome #duh!!!
Seriously, I think its the unpopularity and the meaning of the name. My grandma named me "Uhunoma" which means Good head/destiny, another unpopular name too.
Someone told me a friend named his child"maranatha" and I was like huh??? What does that mean? She said she doesn't know. So I asked google and it meant " O lord,come or Our Lord cometh" I just said I don't care how crazy bae is for God he better not try this rubbish with my kids name.
I've been thinking, what influences the choice of name for a new born? Is it the meaning, circumstance surrounding the birth,role models???
Seriously, what's in a name?

Blogging this year is going to be majorly personal.. Trust me a lotta crazy shit happens around plus I'm never lacking for gist.
I missed you all.

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infact everyone. FMB loves you.


  1. Lol...People have different reasons but the reasons behind a name matter. A name is the first identity of a person. It has great spiritual implications, as a child is named, the angels have put a name to his/her destiny. So it must be carefully chosen. As I have observed in the Bible and from few parents who truthfully open up, they give a name based on their views nd perceptions about the child and often that turns out to be what the child becomes.

    Please don't spank bae if he thinks Marantha is the best. Lol...

  2. No matter the circumstances surrounding the birth of a child it's not a yardstick to name the child wrongly. A child brings joy just as a name influences a destiny. I have a friend named osayuwanen.

    Please visit

  3. Yea. There are so many names which have beautiful meanings but cos of their unpopularity, people don't bear them.

  4. Awwwww bless I love the name. Happy new year to you too dear and I look forward to more 'personal' blogging :)

  5. I'm OK with the name, but hard to pronounce. Haha just kidding.

    check me out here

  6. I missed you too! Happy New Year!!

  7. Sometimes, circumstances surrounding the birth

  8. some names are given for a peculiar reason while some can just be the love for the name

    Happy New Year dear.

  9. Favour, I love your name!!! If my future husband happens to be from Benin, I'm so going to use OSAYUWAMEN. Yes. :D

    Can't wait see more of your "personal" posts. I am a sucker for those who share personal stories.

  10. I have problem in pronouncing all those names. Thank God you answer "Favour" not the traditional one.

    The Circumstance of birth matters a lot in this part of the World when planning to name your child.

    Another thing that matters is the historical background of the person that bear those name of your choice. You may name Joseph because you like his way of life as an apostle, and in recent time you've met many Joseph who are modest in character.

    Though in this century, what matters is the "Trend"...many named their children because its a treading name in town.

    Favour how are you?

  11. i think the meaning should influence the choice of name for a new born bae and not circumstance.

    Topmost Tree


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