There’s this vintage glass cup in my house, my parents have had it for over 30 years. It holds a special in their heart and I respect that, even though l really do not care about inanimate objects. That glass cup is a territorial spirit. I don’t go near it. Somehow I feel we signed a nonverbal MOU to stay out of each other’s way but whenever it appears were I am washing dishes, I silently pray to osanobua it doesn’t break.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Broken Mirrors
There’s this vintage glass cup in my house, my parents have had it for over 30 years. It holds a special in their heart and I respect that, even though l really do not care about inanimate objects. That glass cup is a territorial spirit. I don’t go near it. Somehow I feel we signed a nonverbal MOU to stay out of each other’s way but whenever it appears were I am washing dishes, I silently pray to osanobua it doesn’t break.
Saturday, December 1, 2018
How not to help your Doctor
Somewhere online, a nurse recounted how she lost a patient because of her refusal to heed the Doctor's advise. She was warned not to give birth again because she had a heart condition. But Madam no gree, she died 3 months after childbirth.
One person commented "Rip. Its her time simple. Child birth or not, heart condition or not, fourth child or not "
You see, people don't listen. They don't.
Monday, October 1, 2018
Monday, July 30, 2018
The CP's Diary 2
Me:Are you hypertensive?
Her : l bin get before, but God reject am for me.
Me: Siddon make l tie your hand. (checks BP and its high) Eken, wetin you say happen to God?
Her : I say l been get but God don reject am for me.
Me : way your Drugs? When last you take am?
Her : them da house. I never take am for 3 weeks.
Me : ok. Me and God want make you da take your Drugs you hear?
She starts laughing, l join too. We talk more and she left satisfied.
The CP's Diary is a new corner we are introducing. It details my experience as a community pharmacist. The downside, fun times and of course you would learn a lot.
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don't starve me!!! Follow us on twiter HERE like our page on
facebook HERE follow us on instagram HERE . Share this post to
your friends, families, enemies infact everyone. FMB loves you.
Osayuwamen Favour Nosakhare
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Love on the Rock
The last time l went for a marriage /relationship seminar was 2016. I left there depressed. These days, l don't even bother except you are a sound teacher.
Out of all the sisters in that meeting, it was Just a handful of us that were in our 20's. Others were above the big 30 and oh boy! Their testimonies weren't funny. A sister aged 36, got up and told us of her challenges and pressure. Sounds good, right? Except other sisters followed suit—similar unfortunate experiences. Gradually, a meeting meant for edification turned to that of fear.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Confession of a Lazy Naturalista
When l started this natural hair journey, l thought all l needed was coconut oil, shea butter and a spray bottle. Cheap right?
They lied to us.
The first coconut oil l bought was adulterated. The second smelt like cooking oil. The third was from a client. Her Aunt sent it to her, sisi dropped it and said she wasn't going to use it. Why?
Who doesn't use home made coconut oil?
'Ah! That my Aunt eh, She is a destiny killer o'. She said.
Ok aunty bring it for me you hear? My destiny is in Christ. And that was how l got over 100mls of correct coconut oil.
Friday, July 20, 2018
The CP's Diary 1
My Dad had a client we called 'Yamaha 80' named after the bike he rode. Looking back, l realize l now use pseudonyms for regular patients because remembering names is a challenge for me. So l have (in no particular order)
Pharm pharm - Because he calls me that.
Sugar Daddy - Uncle has chyked more than half of the Female staff.
Fat Burner - she is so concerned about loosing weight we won't hear word.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
World Sickle Cell Day
Death is trapped within your bones. That is what you were told. Came to dwell there by a glitch in your blood and your red cells became many, tiny scythes or sickles waiting to pluck you off the tree of life. One day, you asked if death wasn’t a thing trapped in the bones of all men. Yes, but for you, it is an early bird. So you learnt to count your days with each throbbing pain, as these scythes squeezed and tore through vessels. You even counted on days when a seeming peace lived under your skin.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Exes and Trash talk
Fred (not real name) told me about his ex. She was insensitive, disrespectful and was out to ruin his life.
I believed. Who wouldn't? Fred has a like able personality.
I met Andra his ex and l was shocked!. She was none of what he described. This girl was wonderful and considerate. One day, l asked about the relationship and when we were done talking, l regretted ever thinking about her in a lopsided manner.
Sunday, May 20, 2018
My first interview as a Pharmacist
This was my first interview since I became a pharmacist. I had a mixture of excitement and nervousness and I was determined to ace it (if there was anything like that). So here I was, neatly ironed skirt and shirt, heavily polished flats and my hair tucked into a bun. The goal was to look smart and professional. My first shocker was when l asked a friend who came to pick me
Me : Do you think l am appropriately dressed for this interview?
Him: Well.... Yes... You look good but l swear you will get a 6 for this dressing. You should have worn a suit.
Me: (gasps) huh? Ok... No problem sha (shrugs)
Immediately, we got to the VIP Lounge, it suddenly felt like I missed the memo for dressing. Almost everyone was on a suit except for very few.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Dear Womb Watchers
Dear womb watchers,
Stop asking your Married friends when they are going to have babies.
Stop questioning women about their ovaries.
Stop keeping track of the length of people's marriage.
Stop telling them they've been married long enough to have a couple of kids, who asked you?
Please stop!
You may mean well,
You may be curious,
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Traditional yen yen yen
Some traditional cultures and customs are long overdue for dumping. They've become thoughtless routines that do little or no good but much harm. They may have been relevant at some time but in the light of social evolution there's such a thing as "new realities"- people should adapt customs.
I have a very industrious young friend called Obinna. He has a small electronic shop in PH. Since about 2004 when he served a master as an apprentice till when he got on his own, he's had to pause his schooling just because of lack of support and used his earnings to sponsor his younger siblings instead. About a year ago, he's aged father had to come join him and the siblings he's training at his PH residence because of health issues. I saw him like twice or so.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Sunday, April 8, 2018
The danger of Silence
the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our
friends”- Martin Luther King Jr.
day, all around us, we see the consequences of silence manifest themselves in
the form of discrimination, violence, genocide and war. Yesterday, I watched a TEDx talk on “the
danger of silence” by Clint Smith and I realized how l have short changed me
and everyone around me. Often times, I find myself being a bystander on issues
and not stepping in to say my opinion mainly because of fear but silence one
day, silence the next … and we end up allowing something we didn’t want in the
first place.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
What do we mean when we say"RAPE CULTURE"?
When we talk about rape culture, we’re talking about
cultural practices that excuse or otherwise tolerate sexual violence. We’re
talking about the way that we collectively think about rape. More often than not, it’s situations in which sexual
assault, rape, and general violence are ignored, trivialized, normalized, or
made into jokes.
And this happens a lot.
All the time.
Every day.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Word for today.
I have too many apps
on my phone. Some came with the phone, some I installed by myself. My need for
apps is constantly evolving so I keep installing and uninstalling as the need
or lack of it arises. Like the time I installed Talking Angela to distract the
kids only to realise it would distract me every now and then by meowing for
attention(bad kitty)...uninstall! Another time I installed Shazam because I was
searching for a particular song, instead I unwittingly downloaded a satanic
heavy metal song that instantly fouled up the atmosphere in my house . I had to
plead the blood of Jesus and sanctify the place...uninstall!
Next time I installed Candy crush Saga just to know what the noise was all about. As soon as I got the hang of it I became addicted...uninstall! Abeg I'm redeeming my time because the days are evil. I'm not discrediting any of these apps, I'm just trying to say something (before they'll say I gave them bad market).
Next time I installed Candy crush Saga just to know what the noise was all about. As soon as I got the hang of it I became addicted...uninstall! Abeg I'm redeeming my time because the days are evil. I'm not discrediting any of these apps, I'm just trying to say something (before they'll say I gave them bad market).
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Everyone seeks it. From friends, colleagues, families and loved ones. But now,
we seek it more on social media. Lately, I've had to take a step back and
examine my motive for doing things and unfortunately 80% has been for selfish
reasons. The struggle to be accepted, valued, liked and held in high
usually tell my friends that whenever I post pictures online it's just because
l want to save up memories and put them in the cloud. But for some time now,
its been because l just want people to have the impression that I am game and
doing well. Hair on fleek, career on fleek, family on fleek, In fact Life on fleek. But that’s not the
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I remembered l have a blog today again. Not like today is the first day this has crossed my mind, but l decided to visit this site today a...
For an online person like me, there are some stuffs I see online that leaves me dumbfounded. While blog strolling few nights ...
Sometimes, when traveling I usually log off to dream land. I try to juggle a lot of activities - read, listen to music and eat. Bu...