Friday, March 27, 2015

Eat that Frog

 A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. Never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. This is the man who discovered electricity. You think more people would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is just of making a decision, because what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo?

The early bird catches the worm. A stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we hadn't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons.

We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. Until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin really meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beat the hell out of never trying.

P.s .

Book of the week: Eat that frog by Brian Tracy

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Nosakhare favour osayuwamen


  1. Aww, this just made my morning.

  2. Hmm .. my number one problem is procrastination .

    1. dearie, the most difficult part of a job is starting it.

  3. People think you write the articles when you simply copy them. Make the credits more obvious, otherwise it looks like you are trying to pass off someone else's work as yours.

  4. People think you write the articles when you simply copy them. Make the credits more obvious, otherwise it looks like you are trying to pass off someone else's work as yours.

    1. fanks for the comment ... buh i give credit to anybody's work i use on dis blog. i either tag or use a hyperlink...besides much of wat we know we learn from odas.. fanks for dropping by..

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